(+47) 75 11 12 60 post@entrepretor.no

About EntrepreTOR

The company EntrepreTOR AS was founded in March 1994, with the purpose of performing construction services. Since its establishment, the company has held main and total contracts on a number of larger buildings in Helgeland. Helgeland is the company’s primary work area.


May-Gunn Mosti


Sindre Stjern-Strøm

Entrepretor AS – Org.nr. 970 892 370


The company has 26 employees as of 01.07.2023:


  • 18 have trade letters
  • carpentry apprentices
  • 4 has NESO’s primary school
  • 1 has NESO’s presidency school
  • 2 are engineers / have technical vocational schools



EntrepreTOR has been a member of the Norden Entrepreneurs Service Organization SA (NESO) since 1998.

NESO takes care of its members’ interests in several areas. Particularly good is the offer for further education / competence raising:

  • Apprentice School
  • BAS School
  • Chairman School
  • Project School
  • Senior Management School

NESO also runs a number of courses.